Phone Sex Princess Decree

I am not to be fucked with.

I repeat: I am not to be fucked with. I am many things — I am more generous than you really deserve, both with understanding and My time. I don’t punish slaves for having real-world issues, and I am fairly lenient where family obligations and realm of responsibility comes into play. I have extended services to slaves on their good word after a long servitude relationship has been established, and rarely have they not made good on it.

However, when I feel that this is being abused, I can take it away just as easily.

This is just a warning post. Goddess giveth, and Goddess taketh away. Don’t mistake My lenience for weakness. And I will only allow so many transgressions before I start purging. I don’t care how long you’ve been worshiping Me. I will not be disrespected, ever.