Of course, all my admirers become addicted to me in the end, but that’s a blog post for another day. For today, strap in because I’m about to take you for a ride through this little piggy’s blackmail phone sex session he had with me the other day. I think you’ll enjoy his story. You’re welcome.
He Asked For Humiliation
This loser called me up on my humiliation phone sex line, telling me how pathetic he was. I said, “Yes, I know you’re pathetic, or you wouldn’t be calling me. But you need to tell me *what* makes you so pathetic because I deserve to know what kind of loser I’m dealing with today.”He was very happy to disclose the cause of his loserdom.
He told me how he was soooooooo obsessed with his ex-girlfriend and how he finds himself on her Instagram and other social media profiles all the time. He just can’t let go, despite the fact that she dumped him for a guy with a bigger cock and a bigger wallet. In fact, he’s such a loser that he jerks off to the idea of her fucking this other guy constantly. Cuckold phone sex, anyone? LOL!
He Got Blackmail Phone Sex, More Than He Bargained For!
Of course, I was happy to give him the humiliation he wanted, but I knew this thing could be so much more. I hadn’t had a blackmail phone sex call in a little while, and I had been craving one. I knew this could easily turn into blackmail phone sex, so I started “innocently” asking him questions.It wasn’t long before I knew everything I needed to know in order to blackmail this loser. So of course, I set to work doing that exact thing!
I had his ex’s name, her new boyfriend’s name, where they both worked, and what city they lived in. This, obviously, is more than enough information to get in touch with her. I didn’t even need a phone number because social media exists. So I started with the blackmail phone sex.
Scared Piggy Pays Up
He got scared so fast and started agreeing to anything I said. He was happy to accept the humiliation that I doled out between blackmail phone sex demands. He was also happy to pull out his wallet and pay up, to ensure that I didn’t contact his ex or her new boyfriend and tell them about his newfound…proclivities.Our little humiliation session quickly turned into a financial domination phone sex call, all through the use of blackmail! It’s such a useful tool. I recommend it to every Femdom Mistress out there!
Can You Handle Financial Domination And Blackmail?
So that whole thing worked out really well for me and my bank account. Just a little of me pretending like I cared about this guy and his problems netted me quite a bit of cash in the end.If you’re a blackmail phone sex addict, why not give me a try? I’m sure you can handle it, right? You’re such a strong guy and all, lolololol.
Come on, loser. Get what you so desperately crave. Call Princess Amelia now for your blackmail phone sex fantasy. All you have to do is click one of the buttons below, call me, and ‘fess up. I can’t wait to get my talons in you!