Forced Intox Phone Sex: Let Me Fuck You Up!

forced intox phone sex
Hey there, forced intox phone sex losers! Are you ready to get fucked up and make a total ass of yourself today for my amusement? If so, you’re in the right place! But if not, you can’t handle me, so I suggest you go elsewhere.

Still with me? Excellent. Time for us to see just exactly what you’ll do for me when you’re completely out of your mind. I can’t wait.

Forced Intox Phone Sex Breeds Humiliation

Of course, it almost goes without saying that you’ll be humiliating yourself for my entertainment once you get drunk or high or stoned with whatever you poison you choose. I love humiliation phone sex under any and all circumstances, so of course I wouldn’t neglect it now. There are so many opportunities for you to humiliate yourself for me while you’re all fucked up, after all.

Maybe I’ll have you say or do humiliating and degrading things for me. Maybe I’ll make you tell me about other ways you’ve managed to make an ass of yourself in the past, whether sober or not sober. Oh, there are just so many options, really.

Forced Intoxication Leads To Blackmail

But the real reason I want you all fucked up is not just to entertain me, although that *is* pretty amusing. I want you all fucked up so that you’re not watching what you say around me. You know I’m a blackmail phone sex Princess, and you know you should be careful. But you just can’t resist telling me a little, can you? And soon a little turns into a lot, and then you learn why loose lips sink ships, as they say.

This is yet another reason I love forced intox phone sex so much. It makes it so easy to get information out of you to use against you later. I don’t even have to pry. Just an “innocent” question here and there, and you’re spilling everything you’ve ever known to me. I love that shit!

And Of Course Blackmail Leads To Financial Domination

If forced intox phone sex leads to humiliation and blackmail, then what does humiliation and blackmail lead to? Why, finanacial domination phone sex, of course. What else could it possibly lead to? That’s how blackmail works, after all.

I get information you don’t actually want me to have, and I use it against you. You try to get me to promise not to tell anyone, but my silence comes with a price, my friend. And my silence is never guaranteed. Should someone come along with more money than you to buy the information I have, well…I guess you’re just shit out of luck, aren’t you?

But that’s just how financial domination and forced intox phone sex work. It’s the chance you take when you submit to your phone sex Princess. You should’ve known better than to let yourself fall under my spell. But you did, and now it’s too late. Oops.

So if you’re ready for this Femdom phone sex Goddess to absolutely rock your world in every sense of the term, you know what to do. Click one of the buttons below to give me, Princess Amelia, a call for some forced intoxication phone sex. You’ll regret every moment of it after it’s over, but absolutely nothing will ever be as exhilarating in the moment. So learn to deal with the disappointment because you’ll never have a high like this again.

Talk to you soon. Better start clicking right now.

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Blackmail Phone Sex: Fuck You, Pay Me!

blackmail phone sex
Hello to all you blackmail phone sex addicts out there. And, yes, I’m calling you addicts because you desperately need to be blackmailed by a beautiful Princess like myself, and you’ll go to absolutely stupid lengths to get it. So that qualifies you as an addict, in my book.

Of course, all my admirers become addicted to me in the end, but that’s a blog post for another day. For today, strap in because I’m about to take you for a ride through this little piggy’s blackmail phone sex session he had with me the other day. I think you’ll enjoy his story. You’re welcome.

He Asked For Humiliation

This loser called me up on my humiliation phone sex line, telling me how pathetic he was. I said, “Yes, I know you’re pathetic, or you wouldn’t be calling me. But you need to tell me *what* makes you so pathetic because I deserve to know what kind of loser I’m dealing with today.”

He was very happy to disclose the cause of his loserdom.

He told me how he was soooooooo obsessed with his ex-girlfriend and how he finds himself on her Instagram and other social media profiles all the time. He just can’t let go, despite the fact that she dumped him for a guy with a bigger cock and a bigger wallet. In fact, he’s such a loser that he jerks off to the idea of her fucking this other guy constantly. Cuckold phone sex, anyone? LOL!

He Got Blackmail Phone Sex, More Than He Bargained For!

Of course, I was happy to give him the humiliation he wanted, but I knew this thing could be so much more. I hadn’t had a blackmail phone sex call in a little while, and I had been craving one. I knew this could easily turn into blackmail phone sex, so I started “innocently” asking him questions.

It wasn’t long before I knew everything I needed to know in order to blackmail this loser. So of course, I set to work doing that exact thing!

I had his ex’s name, her new boyfriend’s name, where they both worked, and what city they lived in. This, obviously, is more than enough information to get in touch with her. I didn’t even need a phone number because social media exists. So I started with the blackmail phone sex.

Scared Piggy Pays Up

He got scared so fast and started agreeing to anything I said. He was happy to accept the humiliation that I doled out between blackmail phone sex demands. He was also happy to pull out his wallet and pay up, to ensure that I didn’t contact his ex or her new boyfriend and tell them about his newfound…proclivities.

Our little humiliation session quickly turned into a financial domination phone sex call, all through the use of blackmail! It’s such a useful tool. I recommend it to every Femdom Mistress out there!

Can You Handle Financial Domination And Blackmail?

So that whole thing worked out really well for me and my bank account. Just a little of me pretending like I cared about this guy and his problems netted me quite a bit of cash in the end.

If you’re a blackmail phone sex addict, why not give me a try? I’m sure you can handle it, right? You’re such a strong guy and all, lolololol.

Come on, loser. Get what you so desperately crave. Call Princess Amelia now for your blackmail phone sex fantasy. All you have to do is click one of the buttons below, call me, and ‘fess up. I can’t wait to get my talons in you!

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Financial Domination Phone Sex: Fucking Over Pay Piggies!

financial domination phone sex
Financial domination phone sex is something that all little pay piggies like you absolutely crave. And that’s a good thing because I’m planning on draining your wallets for everything you’re worth, whether you like it or not. So I guess it’s better for you than you can eroticize being robbed blind by a beautiful woman!

Financial Domination Phone Sex For Pay Piggies

Pay piggy phone sex is among life’s ultimate pleasures for me. It’s so fun making you idiots squeal. And simple, too. You’re powerless in the hands of a Princess like me. So you’ll roll over and empty your bank account for me anytime I please. And believe me, I do please quite often!

I want to take everything you own. I don’t want to leave you with anything. If you starve to death under an overpass, well, that sounds like a you problem, not a me problem. You got what you deserved in that case.

Human ATMs Are Only Good For Their Money

So why do you think I have such contempt for the human ATMs of the world like you? Oh, it’s mostly because you’re fucking idiots. A man who had a spine would never let a bratty Princess like me take him on a ride and rinse him the way I’m planning on rinsing you. But you have no spine, do you? And tiny balls, to boot. You’re just waiting for the right woman to grab you and end you.

That’s ok, though. I would never treat a real man with the sort of reckless disdain I treat you with. Mostly because he wouldn’t deserve it. But you…you’re a pathetic, weak, piggy loser who deserves nothing better than to be laughed at and degraded for your stupid kink of giving all your cash to a hot woman you’d never stand a chance with…who, in fact, thinks of you with nothing but derision.

Humiliation Phone Sex Is In Your Future

So what can you expect when you call me for financial domination phone sex? Well, besides getting your wallet drained, that is. You can also expect plenty of humiliation phone sex to go along with your wallet abuse. You deserve nothing better.

A Femdom phone sex Goddess like me would never trouble herself with the thoughts of a pay pig slave like you. So honestly, I don’t care what you think about all this. It’s going to happen, whether you want it to or not, because you’re powerless to resist it. That’s what a Wicked Phone Addiction is, after all.

Wallet Slaves, Apply Here

So if you’re ready to give up your life and dedicate it to my service, make sure you know what you’re getting into. Nothing will be yours. It’ll all be mine. And I’m a greedy, insatiable financial domination phone sex Princess who will never be satisfied, no matter what you do. I’ll always be saying, “More, more, more.”

So if that’s something you want to resign yourself to, a life of devotion and service to someone who sees you as something less than human, well, that’s on you. Go for it, loser. Click one of the buttons below to give me, Princess Amelia, a call for your first financial domination phone sex session with me. It certainly won’t be your last.

I can’t wait to get started fucking you over and dragging you for filth, so don’t keep me waiting. The longer I have to wait, the worse it’s gonna be on you. So better start clicking right now!

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New Look and Feel, Same Phone Sex Princess

Within the past month I’ve made my full return to Niteflirt doing domination phone sex, and I can tell you — it took me being away to see just how much I really missed it. There have been all kinds of callers during my return, and even one lowly slave who has managed to start poking around my yahoo box again. We haven’t hooked up yet, but I bet before the week’s over I will have heard from him again. So come on out of hiding and say hello . . . I know you’re lurking around, my addicted brainwashed slave.

That’s the thing I love most about financial domination phone sex. I can get you so twisted up in addiction that you can’t even stop. You may go a few months without a hit – you might even try some inferior drug to help take the place, but what you need to understand is that I’m no gateway drug. I’m the real thing, the end game, and once you’ve had a taste of me, nothing else is going to seem as sweet. Try as you might to lose the taste for the particular brand of torment I dish out, but you’ll never get away from it fully … just ask my slaves that have tried. They always come back. And when they do, I’m there, as addictive as before, ready to welcome them and their wallets back with a wicked smile.

Yes, that’s what you new, potential victims have to look forward to.