Still with me? Excellent. Time for us to see just exactly what you’ll do for me when you’re completely out of your mind. I can’t wait.
Forced Intox Phone Sex Breeds Humiliation
Of course, it almost goes without saying that you’ll be humiliating yourself for my entertainment once you get drunk or high or stoned with whatever you poison you choose. I love humiliation phone sex under any and all circumstances, so of course I wouldn’t neglect it now. There are so many opportunities for you to humiliate yourself for me while you’re all fucked up, after all.Maybe I’ll have you say or do humiliating and degrading things for me. Maybe I’ll make you tell me about other ways you’ve managed to make an ass of yourself in the past, whether sober or not sober. Oh, there are just so many options, really.
Forced Intoxication Leads To Blackmail
But the real reason I want you all fucked up is not just to entertain me, although that *is* pretty amusing. I want you all fucked up so that you’re not watching what you say around me. You know I’m a blackmail phone sex Princess, and you know you should be careful. But you just can’t resist telling me a little, can you? And soon a little turns into a lot, and then you learn why loose lips sink ships, as they say.This is yet another reason I love forced intox phone sex so much. It makes it so easy to get information out of you to use against you later. I don’t even have to pry. Just an “innocent” question here and there, and you’re spilling everything you’ve ever known to me. I love that shit!
And Of Course Blackmail Leads To Financial Domination
If forced intox phone sex leads to humiliation and blackmail, then what does humiliation and blackmail lead to? Why, finanacial domination phone sex, of course. What else could it possibly lead to? That’s how blackmail works, after all.I get information you don’t actually want me to have, and I use it against you. You try to get me to promise not to tell anyone, but my silence comes with a price, my friend. And my silence is never guaranteed. Should someone come along with more money than you to buy the information I have, well…I guess you’re just shit out of luck, aren’t you?
But that’s just how financial domination and forced intox phone sex work. It’s the chance you take when you submit to your phone sex Princess. You should’ve known better than to let yourself fall under my spell. But you did, and now it’s too late. Oops.
So if you’re ready for this Femdom phone sex Goddess to absolutely rock your world in every sense of the term, you know what to do. Click one of the buttons below to give me, Princess Amelia, a call for some forced intoxication phone sex. You’ll regret every moment of it after it’s over, but absolutely nothing will ever be as exhilarating in the moment. So learn to deal with the disappointment because you’ll never have a high like this again.
Talk to you soon. Better start clicking right now.